Get My 7 Step Viral Post Checklist Free...

Finally, A Strategy That Attracts Your Ideal Clients, 
& Gets Unlimited Amounts Of 
FREE Leads & Sales... In The Next 30 Days
Without Spending A Penny On Paid Advertising

Finally, A Strategy That Attracts Your Ideal Clients, & Gets Unlimited Amounts Of FREE Leads & Sales... In The Next 30 Days
Without Spending A Penny On Paid Ads

Dear Friend,

Yes! You really are getting the complete TikTok For Business Masterclass and all the Epic Bonuses!

There’s no easier place on the internet right now,

To get you explosive amounts of free attention “customers eyeballs” on your products and services 

While building a BIG following fast

Than on TikTok, literally one of the fastest growing platforms in the world

You see, after creating hundreds of videos that got tens of thousands of followers and over 3.2 million views I noticed a pattern…

A “Algorithm Hack”...

That transforms TikTok Videos… into Free Mini Ads 

What can this formula be used for?...

Getting a unlimited supply of new leads and sales

Let me explain...

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, have products or services and want another way to get in front of your ideal customers

If you want a new way to fill your pipeline, to offset the rising costs of paid ads and constant “Policy” changes the tech overlords impose on us.

If you answered YES to a unlimited supply of new leads and sales

Buckle Up this action packed masterclass (wait till you see the insane bonuses) is the fastest way to start crushing it on TikTok!!!!

Everything You Get With 

In this never released before Masterclass 

I will hand you the keys and give you the formula and confidence you need to get started and crush it!

You’re getting a knowledge transfer, getting all the tips, tricks and hacks I’ve discovered along the way, condensed into a solid step by step framework you can easily follow

Here’s just some of what's inside…

  • The Profile Jumpstart, how to make sure your Profile is Optimized from the Get Go
  • ​How to turn your profile into a Lead Gen Funnel that converts
  • ​Optimizing for the best times to post, and how you can jumpstart the first 30 days to explode your growth
  • ​How to use The 7 Step Viral Checklist… so you can reach your ideal audience and guide them into your funnel
  • ​And Much, Much More!...

WAIT!!!! You Haven’t Even Heard About 
These 8 Incredible Bonuses 

#1 Profile LeadGen Funnel

The Profile Lead Gen Funnel is actually the start to converting more leads and sales off TikTok

Have you wondered what the next step is after someone watches your video?

It starts with having everything setup the right way, from the start

So you can actually convert and drive traffic even if you only have a small audience 

And especially making sure you don’t leave any money on the table as you grow!

You’ll discover

  • How drive traffic even if your starting at 0 Followers
  • ​The 2 types of profiles you can setup, the pros and cons to each
  • ​How you can grow your other platforms from TikTok
  • ​And Much More including a step by step checklist!

"Best Times" Posting Schedule

While Growing 3 Channels and posting multiple times a day on each (yes we're talking about a lot of data) 

I discovered just like anything else there’s peak times to post, 

That almost doubles normal engagement and interaction

You know how people are more likely to to be on their phone friday afternoon as opposed to monday morning

The posting schedule lays it all out for you, and takes the guesswork out of it

You’ll learn…

  • Ideal posting times for maximum engagement
  • ​Morning and afternoon are included 
  • ​How to use analytics to find where your audience is, and most importantly what time zone they are in
  • ​And Much More…

7 Step Viral Post Checklist

This checklist is really the secret sauce when it comes to converting like crazy

It goes over the 7 essentials every post needs to have, to maximize growth and conversions

I reversed engineered the best performing posts (they all had these 7 things)

Here’s some of what’s inside…

  • Step #2 Goes Over How to hack sound trends 
  • ​#7 is a top secret hack that works for driving traffic and getting people to take action!
  • ​When implemented these 7 steps are like adding a gallon gasoline to a roaring fire

40 Viral Hooks Template

The first 3 seconds are the most critical of your video's success!

You have to HOOK someone's attention, demanding that they stop scrolling and pay attention

That's why I created these 40 ready to use Viral Hooks Template that you can take and create, virtually countless variations with

Imagine how easy creating content that sells is going to be, having a list of ready to use Hooks, you can just plug and play

Here’s only the tip of the iceberg…

  • 40 Viral Hooks ready for you to use immediately 
  • ​Mix, Match and Tweak them for a limitless combination of video creatives
  • ​And Much More, Including The Viral Hook Tutorial Mini Class

Creative Research 
(VideoHack what's working)

This Video Hack shows you how to find people already in your Niche

That are already creating content and gaining traction

And how you can ethically use that to your advantage to Hack what’s working (this does not mean blatant copying, this is finding inspiration)

You’ll see how to…

  • Find what's already working in your market
  • Use videos that your ideal audience is already engaging with as inspiration
  • ​Ethically Hijack your competitions audience using the 1,3,2 Hashtag Strategy
  • ​And Much More

The Powerful 1,3,2 
Hashtag Strategy 
To Dominate your Niche

I developed this strategy while explosively growing 3 channels over a 90 day span

This Powerful strategy has a 3 part approach

It gets you in front of new people and takes advantage of viral trends…

Puts your video in front of the people that need to see it

And builds your channel and following at the same time… This explosive strategy dials in your content delivery with laser like accuracy

With it you’ll be able to…

  • Take advantage of Boosting Trends
  • ​Create your own # ecosystem
  • ​Dial in your each videos individual audience
  • ​And so much more…

List of CTA’s (Call To Action) 
That Drive Traffic 
(Call To Action Workshop)

You’ll be miles ahead of your competitors when using this strategy…

Most advertisements, social media content, and especially TikTok vids… FAIL at one of the most IMPORTANT Marketing Commandments...

TELL THE CUSTOMER what to do next

Sounds simple enough right?

But how many ads or posts have you seen recently that haven't given you a clear, actionable next step?

In this section, you’ll learn how to sprinkle these powerful CTA’s throughout your channel

To help guide people from just “viewing” your content… to taking the next step, the next step YOU tell them to take

I also give you the secret ninja CTA placement almost no one uses…

  • ​How to strategically TELL the customer what actions you want them to take, so you can guide them through your sales process
  • ​How to covertly place a Call To Action in multiple spots, in just a single video
  • ​And a whole lot more...

The Customer Avatar Worksheet

For any type of “Marketing” to really connect with, hit home, and move your customer

You need to know what their desires, their wants and needs are…

This worksheet will help you nail down your exact dream customer and turn them into raving fans with your content

  •  Find out who your ideal customer is
  • ​Create content that they want to consume
  • ​This simple exercise gives you countless niche specific video ideas!


You Literally Get Everything Needed
To Start Generating Leads & Sales From TikTok!

 The Masterclass

In this never released before Masterclass
You’re getting a knowledge transfer, getting all the tips, tricks and hacks I’ve discovered along the way, condensed into a solid step by step framework you can easily follow

Lead Gen Profile Training

Learn how to setup your profile so it converts more leads and sales. It starts with having everything setup the right way, from the start

"Best Times" Posting Schedule

While Growing 3 Channels and posting multiple times a day on each (yes we're talking about a lot of data). I discovered just like anything else there’s peak times to post, 
That almost doubles normal engagement and interaction

7 Step Viral Post Checklist

This checklist is really the secret sauce when it comes to converting like crazy.
Learn the 7 essentials every post needs to have, to maximize growth and conversions.

40 Viral Hooks Template

The first 3 seconds are the most critical of your video's success! Imagine how easy creating content that boosts sales is going to be, having a list of ready to use Hooks, you can just plug and play

Creative Research 
(VideoHack what's working)

Discover How To Ethically Video Hack whats already working! This Ninja hack maximizes already viral content as inspiration

The Powerful 1,3,2 
#Hashtag Strategy

I developed this strategy while explosively growing 3 channels over a 90 day span.  This powerful strategy dials in your content delivery with laser like accuracy

CTA’s (Call To Action) That Drive Traffic 

You’ll be miles ahead of your competitors when using this secret weapon…You’ll learn how to sprinkle these powerful CTA’s throughout your channel

Customer Avatar Worksheet

For any type of “Marketing” to really connect with, hit home, and move your customer
You need to know what their desires, their wants and needs are…
This worksheet will help you nail down your exact dream customer

Here is my “100% 
Satisfaction” Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you’ll love this product, or I’ll return your $27 no questions asked!

That’s right, all you have to do is reach out and let us know it “Wasn’t For You” and I’ll give you back your money with no questions asked.

Here's What You're Gonna Get...
$1,223 Total Value, Just $27
  • The Business Tok Masterclass ($497 Value)
  • BONUS: Lead Gen Profile Training ($197 Value)
  • ​BONUS: "Best Times" Posting Schedule  ($97 Value)
  • ​BONUS: 7 Step Viral Post Checklist ($97 Value)
  • BONUS: 40 Viral Hooks Template ($47 Value)
  • ​​BONUS: Creative Research ($47 Value)
  • ​BONUS: The Powerful 1,3,2 #Hashtag Strategy ($97 Value)
  • ​​BONUS: CTA’s (Call To Action) That Drive Traffic ($97 Value)
  • ​​​BONUS: Customer Avatar Worksheet($47 Value)
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DISCLAIMER: Your results will most certainly vary from person to person. Our best efforts, time, energy and experiences have been used in preparing this information, but, as you are surely aware, your results cannot be guaranteed. The fact is – as with any educational product of this type – you may make a lot of money, you may make a little money, or you may not make any money (heck, you might even lose money). Any testimonials are for information purposes and should not be considered “typical” results or even true results as they have not been verified in any way (other than our students sent them to us). We have no statistical data to support “actual” results from any user and strongly suspect that, unfortunately, most people who buy ANY information product online probably don’t do much, if anything, with any of the products they buy. Hopefully you’ll be different and actually take action on what we teach you here.

We make no claims or representation that by using TikTok Growth Secrets you will earn money or make your money back. This video presentation and the testimonials and are hereby used for educational and exemplary purposes only, they are not intended to incite sales. While they may show real experiences from paying users, their business’s results are not typical, and your business’s experience will vary based upon the effort and education of your business’s employees and management, the business model that is implemented, and market forces beyond anyone’s control.
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